Phyton Vol. 56/2 E-Book S 303-312
Ferdinand Berger & Söhne GmbH
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Djordjevic u.a.
Phyton Vol. 56/2 E-Book S 303-312
Epipactis muelleri (Orchidaceae-Neottieae), a Species New to the F
Artikel Nr 2604
Preis 7,50
In: Phyton 56, Fasc. 2 (2016): S. 303-312 DOI: 10.12905/0380.phyton56(2)2016-0303

Epipactis muelleri (Orchidaceae-Neottieae), a Species New to the Flora of Serbia


Vladan Djordjevic

Received October 12, 2016

Key words: Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Neottieae, Epipactis muelleri. – Phytogeography, IUCN conservation status. – Flora of the Balkan Peninsula, Serbia, Tara Mountain.

Djordjevic´ V. 2016. Epipactis muelleri (Orchidaceae-Neottieae), a species new to the flora of Serbia. – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 56(2): 303–312, with 2 figures.

Epipactis muelleri Godfery (Orchidaceae-Epidendroideae-Neottieae) was found on Mt Tara (western Serbia) for the first time in Serbia. This is currently the single known occurrence of this species in the Central Balkans, and the easternmost limit of its distribution in the Balkans, where it has recently been known only from two other countries (Slovenia and Croatia). Morphological characteristics, currently known distribution, and habitat preferences are indicated. In total, the two recorded populations comprise five flowering individuals. The current 2012-IUCN threatened status of E. muelleri in Serbia is estimated as Critically Endangered.