Holec Jan, Hubený Pavel & Kucera Tomás
Naturalness is key: high species richness of woodinhabiting...
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Bortnikov Fedor M., Bortnikova Nadezhda A. & Antonov Evgeny A.
Wawelia amyloasca, sp. nov., – the only species of ...
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Geösel Andras & Regis Mary Ann Jully
Cultivation of Auricularia species...
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Lebeuf u.a.
Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 9
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Stojan Ivanovic u.a.
In vitro propagation of Dianthus cruentus and acclimatization ...
erschienen 21.04.2023
8,50 €
Snežana Vukojicic u.a.
New chorological data on some rare and threatened ferns in Serbia
erschienen 21.04.2023
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Dawn Frame & Gerhard Gottsberger
Diverse sexual strategies in fossil gymnosperms ...
erschienen 21.04.2023
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Christian Berg
Book review: Hugonnot V. & Chavoutier J. L. 2021. Les Bryophytes..
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Marjeta Erzen u.a.
Determination of total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity
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Ren Rui Wang u.a.
Transfer of the Arabidopsis CBF1, a cold-induced transcription...
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Spyros Tsiftsis & Theodora Merou
First inventory of the invasive alien plant species along Nestos..
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Jan Kirschner & Jan Stepánek
Towards a revision of Taraxacum sect. Macrocornuta (Asteraceae,...
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