Sydowia Vol. 65/1 E-Book/S 113-128
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Zhang u.a.
Sydowia Vol. 65/1 E-Book/S 113-128
Pestalotiopsis species on ornamental plants in Yunnan Province, Ch
Artikel Nr 2512
Preis 7,50
Zhang Y. M., Maharachchikumbura S. S. N., Tian Q. & Hyde K. D. (2013) Pestalotiopsis species on ornamental plants in Yunnan Province, China. – Sydowia 65 (1): 113–128.

Pestalotiopsis species were obtained from diseased leaves of ornamental plants collected in Yunnan Province, China. Morphological comparison and phylogenetic analysis of combined sequence data of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), partial b-tubulin and partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha (ef1) showed that the isolates comprised seven species of Pestalotiopsis. Three species, Pestalotiopsis ericacearum, P. gaultheriae and P. rhododendri, are new to science and described herein.

Keywords: leaf blight, new species, pathogen, phylogeny.